Here I describe how to program the microcontrollers Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32.

Programming the ESP8266

Development boards that are programmable via USB make life easier. One such board is the D1 mini which comes in different revisions (original, up to version 3) and feature different versions of the ESP8266MOD microcontroller. The AZ-Delivery D1 Mini ESP8266-Module, also called “D1 mini NodeMcu with ESP8266-12F” is an example.

Programming the ESP8266 using the Arduino IDE provides instructions how to program the board via USB using the Arduino IDE in their D1 Mini NodeMcu eBook.

When using the Arduino IDE, the board definitions have to be installed using the Arduino IDE board manager:

  1. Open the Arduino IDE
  2. Select “File” -> “Preferences”
  3. Edit “Additional Boards Manager URLs” and add to the comma-seperated list and click “OK”.
  4. Select “Tools” -> “Boards” -> “Boards Manager” and search for “esp8266” and install in “esp8266” by “ESP8266 Community”.
  5. Select “Tools” -> “Board” -> “Generic ESP8266 module”
  6. To program via USB using the Arduino bootloader, select “Tools” -> “Programmer” -> “avrISP mkII”
  7. Select “Tools” -> “Port” and select the port the D1 mini board is connected to.
  8. Follow
  9. Select “Verify”
  10. Select “Upload”

Programming the ESP8266 using PlatformIO

  1. If your operating system is set up to delete the the contents of your %USERPROFILE% folder upon restart, edit the system environment variables: Add the system environment variable PLATFORMIO_CORE_DIR and/or set it to the desired directory as described at You may set it to any permanent directory with read- and write access.
  2. Install Microsoft Visual Studio code and the PlatformIO IDE extension or download and unzip from
  3. Install the platform “Espressif 8266” for PlatformIO.
  4. Follow and more specifically

To explicitely set internal DRAM size and internal cache size, specify build_flags according to (Further details can be found at A typical platformio.ini file for an Arduino project could look like this:

default_env = mini_shared-release

platform = espressif8266
board = d1_mini
upload_protocol = esptool
framework = arduino

extends = d1_mini
build_type = release
build_flags =
    -D MMU_IRAM_SIZE=0xC000
    -D MMU_ICACHE_SIZE=0x4000

Examples can be found here:

Programming the ESP32

The Espressif ESP32 DevKits are more capable boards featuring the ESP32 microcontrollers. The Az-delivery DevKitC V4 is an example.

Programming the ESP32 using the Arduino IDE provides instructions how to program the board via USB using the Arduino IDE in their ESP32 Dev Kit C V4 eBook.

When using the Arduino IDE, the board definitions have to be installed using the Arduino IDE board manager:

  1. Open the Arduino IDE
  2. Select “File” -> “Preferences”
  3. Edit “Additional Boards Manager URLs” and add to the comma-seperated list and click “OK”.
  4. Select “Tools” -> “Boards” -> “Boards Manager” and search for “esp32” and install in “esp32” by “Espressif Systems”.
  5. Select “Tools” -> “Board” -> “ESP32 Dev Module”
  6. To program via USB using the Arduino bootloader, select “Tools” -> “Programmer” -> “avrISP mkII”
  7. Select “Tools” -> “Port” and select the port the D1 mini board is connected to.
  8. Select “Verify”
  9. Select “Upload”

Programming the ESP32 using PlatformIO

  1. If your operating system is set up to delete the the contents of your %USERPROFILE% folder upon restart, edit the system environment variables: Add the system environment variable PLATFORMIO_CORE_DIR and/or set it to the desired directory as described at You may set it to any permanent directory with read- and write access.
  2. Install Microsoft Visual Studio code and the PlatformIO IDE extension or download and unzip from
  3. Install the platform “Espressif 32” for PlatformIO.
  4. Follow and more specifically

Accordingly, a typical platformio.ini for an Arduino project would be

default_envs = devkit-v4-release

platform = espressif32
board = az-delivery-devkit-v4
framework = arduino

extends = az-delivery-devkit-v4
build_type = release

A typical platformio.ini for a C99 project using the Espressif 32 platform and the ESP-IDF framework could look like this:

default_envs = devkit-v4-release

platform = espressif32
board = az-delivery-devkit-v4
framework = espidf

extends = az-delivery-devkit-v4
build_type = release

Example projects can be found here:

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